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Grepolis Jargon
- def unit - A unit most commonly used in defence.
- off unit - A unit most commonly used in offence.
- def city - A city with only defensive units.
- off city - A city with only offensive units.
- farm vill - A farming village.
- farm - Another player's city that is undefended and being regularly attacked for free resources.
- siege - Damage a city with catapults.
- clear - Kill all troops defending a city.
- clearing wave - An attack designed to clear a city. Also abbreviated to CW.
- fake - An attack consisting of a single unit to scare or deceive an enemy.
- scout - Preform espionage of another city.
- spy - A player who joins an enemy alliance to secretly gather intelligence.
- timed attack - Multiple attacks that arrive in close proximity of one another.
- suicide - Kill your own troops in order to free population.
- dodge - Temporarily move units out of a city to evade an incoming attack.
- timed support - Units that arrive during the middle of a timed attack.
- rim - The edge of the world where new players and refugee players are sent.
- rimmed - Sending someone to the rim by conquering their last village.
- PA - Personal alliance, another player you are personally allied to independent of your alliance. Do not confuse with with Premium Account.
- ally - An alliance you mutually co-operate with.
- NAP - Non Aggression Pact, an alliance you mutually agree not to attack.
- enemy - An alliance you are at war with.
- Grepo - Grepolis. Also abbreviated to GP.
- res - Resources.
- PA - Premium Account. Not to be confused with Personal Alliance.
- PP - Premium Player, an alternative to PA to avoid confusion.
- mass mail - A mail sent to multiple players, occasionally abbreviated to MM.
- TW - Tribal Wars. (Germans use in reference to The West.)
- DS - Die Stamme, the German version of Tribal Wars.
- West - The West.
- leaders - The founders and leaders of an alliance.
Internet Jargon
- k - Thousand. For example 5k is the equivalent of 5,000.
- mill - Million. For example 5mill is the equivalent of 5,000,000.
- RL - Real Life.
- PM - Private Message, a one-to-one message sent to a forum account.
- IG - Ingame.
- IGM Ingame Message, a PM sent through Grepolis' messaging system.
- noob - A derogative term for new players.
- multi - A person playing more than one account on the same world. This is against the rules.
- 24/7 - 24 hours, 7 days a week.
- IE - Internet Explorer.
- FF - Mozilla Firefox.
- GC - Google Chrome.
- dnk - Do not know.
- dnc - Do not care.
- ty - Thankyou.
- np - No problem.
- imo - In my opinion.
- imho - In my humble opinion.
- afaik - As far as I know.
- :) - Happy Face (turn 90 degrees). Other combinations such as :( form sad faces, etc.
- muahaha - Evil laugh.
- lol - Laugh out loud.
- rofl - Rolling on the floor laughing.
- k - Ok, also written as kk.
- nc - No comment.
- kewl - Cool.
- OT - Off-topic.
- ^_^ - Laughing.
- -_- - Not laughing.
- B2T - Back to the topic.