"Even the bravest cannot fight beyond his strength." Homer
Homer visste värdet av starka allierade. I det antika Grekland, var allianser mellan städer av yttersta vikt när det kom till politiska beslut. Sparta hamnade i strid mot rivalen Aten endast för att deras allierade städer, Corinth och Argos förklarade krig mot varandra. Detta gäller även dig: Förr eller senare måste även du besluta vilken sida du ska stå på och vad för allians du vill föra.
Hitta en allians
"Learn to obey before you command" - Solon of Athens
I början är det oftast bättre att hitta en redan befintlig allians, än att skapa din egen. Att skapa din egna allians är lätt men svårt att styra utan erfarenhet. Du kommer snabbt att inse att du är ute på djupt vatten!
First of all it is best not to apply to the most highly ranked alliances as these are more likely to reject beginners. The alliance that makes most sense to join is the one that's close to you. This means they can easily offer you support against attacks and help you build up quickly. Alliances with experienced players that have been successful on other worlds are usually alliances that can give you another advantage.
Establishing and Leading an Alliance
"A small country cannot contend with a great; the few cannot contend with the many; the weak cannot contend with the strong" - Mencius
To establish your own alliance is a big step in your development as a Grepolis player. It involves a lot of work and many duties which is why one should first possess some good game experience. To establish an alliance you must click the 'Alliance' on the left side of the page. In the new window, you can observe all your current alliance invitations and you can establish an alliance yourself. To do this you must register the name of the new alliance. The name can later be changed by a founder.
As soon as the alliance is established it's forum should be prepared allowing the players to introduce themselves. It will be there, where you will eventually discuss the tactics and strategy of the alliance. The alliance forum can later be expanded and subdivided to accommodate the new topics and threads. Moreover you should update the alliance profile, which publicly presents the alliance. Inviting members is an important consideration. Players close by are important to recruit as they can offer you the best support. The potential candidates should be in the vicinity, should have approximately the same score and be active players. If you notice that a member already has some good experience make sure to promote them so some of the responsibility is delegated to them. A good alliance has about 30-40 members and a very active alliance forum.
With experience, strong engagement and some good fortune, the alliance will grow up to be a large and powerful one that the entire world will fear!
Offices and Rights in the Alliance
Founder As a founder, this player is the absolute chief and has rights automatically for all alliance functions. In addition founders can rename and dissolve the alliance.
Leader A leader is the founder's assistant. They have some of the founder rights plus all rights below.
Invite With this right players can invite other players into the alliance. They can also retract invitations.
Diplomacy A diplomat can change the diplomatic status of the alliance between other alliances such as Non Aggression Pacts and wars.
Mass Mail The player with the Mass Mail right has the possibility to send the same message to all alliance members at once. This makes announcements very easy.
Moderator of Forum As a moderator in the forum a player can process and delete threads and topics. They can administer the forum, open new sections, rename, delete and change its visibility.
Access to the internal forums This right allows players to see the internal forum where the main battle plans, tactics and strategies are discussed.
Leaving Your Alliance
"An alliance with the powerful is never to be trusted" - Phaedrus
Are you discontented with your alliance? In Grepolis nothing can tie you forever to a certain alliance. You can leave your alliance at any time by clicking on the corresponding button on the alliance summary. Then you can enter into a new alliance or can establish your own.
Be sure you carefully handle this tactical gambit. You will not be popular in your old alliance and might not be trusted in your new one!